Mount Pendeli
(Northern Athens)

Run 1282 (Sun 13th October, 2002)

Hares: Clitoria & Lilly Whites

Photographer: Bookmaker

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Returnees (L to R):
Jane (Founder of the Athens Hash House Honeys)

Chicken Stock (Ex. Athens Hash JM)

Shiva gets the Hermes Helmet (on backwards) for coming in DFL (last).

Shiva is then asked to select someone at random to receive a gift from the JM.
She picks Panos who receives the NEW Shit of the Week award.
This is
a ghastly pink toilet seat (kindly donated by Flowery Tw*t) with a suitable
plastic bag to hide it in. The recipient has to add something, bring it to the next
hash and award it to another hasher (for a usually nonsensical reason).

Mad Dog & Hamish receive their Veteran Hare T-shirts.
Clitoria wraps Mad Dog's around his head.

RA Playboy-2 & JM Mad Dog have arranged to name Panos that day.
So with the toilet seat still around his neck Panos is prepared for the event.

Playboy-2 reads the ceremonial words, flour is sprinkled, Panos is named SnowJob.Cum & then christened with beer.

Later.... Shiva (still wearing the Hermes Helmet) and Ratarsed

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