(North-ish of Athens)
Run 1250 (Sun. 10th March, 2002)
Hares: Bookmaker & Mountain Goat
Photographer: AllHead, NoShaft
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Hashers milling around before the run
Getting the BBQ going
The hares Bookmaker & Mountain Goat get the traditional DIO's
is given the 'Shit of the Week' award
(a broken toilet seat with 'decorations' added-to each week)
Delhi Boy with his trainee-hasher
More circle confusion
Spazmodic gets her (overdue) Virgin Hare T-shirt
... And her 50th Run badge
Group DIO with the Chunder
Tank joins the RA Playboy-2 in the fun
AllHead, NoShaft , MFP, & Mad Dog
Immac & Playboy-2 (with carnival wig) enjoy sausages from the BBQ & wine
Pussy Galore & Melanie (?)
Mad Dog
Pussy Galore with Manny (who rescued a Canadian visitor lost on the trail)