Athens 10km Marathon
(Central Athens)

Run 1666 (Sunday 8th November 2009)

Hare:  A very old Athenian

Photographer: Mad Dog & Prickly Bush

NOTE: Use the horizontal scroll bar (bottom of screen) to view the panoramic photos.


- G E T T I N G   TO  T H E   S T A D I U M  F R O M   T H E   M E T R O -


- T H E     T R A I L -

The lat/lon coordinates of the starting point pf the run: 37°58'10.01"N, 23°44'21.18"E     

Altitude: 87 metres above sea level

Trail cartographic Length = 10 km (no kidding?)


The trail ....

(Who the hell laid this trail? Didn't they read The Bookmakers instruction sheet?)


Where we met and got soaking wet.


- G E T T I N G   T O   T H E     R U N -

Runners & spectators walk through the National Gardens in the pouring rain
on their way to the kalimamaro stadium


Arriving at the stadium (almost)


Panoramic view - the stadium is behind the the blue and white balloons


TV cameraman talks on his mobile in the rain.
Note the TV camera covered in a plastic bag


Lots of umbrellas


The arches are starting point for the 10km run


Panoramic view of a very wet stadium


- T H E     R U N -

Sorry, really serious about running this year (oh yea, who are you kidding?) - so no photos on the run, but after the run...


Athens Hash House Harriers 10 k team

Nigel Copage (Bookmaker) reincarnation as Niek J.


- T H E     C I R C L E -

The circle

Garibaldi was nominated the surrogate hare.

OK, that's all! (It was a short circle. A can of beer and some plastic cups)


- A F T E R   T H E    C I R C L E -

View of the finish in the stadium


Hashers watching the first full-marathon runners arrive


On off to the James Joyce.....


Yes, please!


Setting off for the Irish pub - along the acropolis pedestrian way


Hashers quickly make their way to the Thision area through the sunday crowds-
driven on by the thought of a cold beer.


- T H E     T A V E R N A -

The James Joyce Irish pub (OK not exactly a Taverna - but great food at very reasonable prices)

But first, that long-awaited beer.

From L-to-R & then going round the table:

Black Mamba, Prickly Bush, Katie, Sanne & Niek (visitors from holland), Bouboulina
Coke Dealer & Absolut were on the next table.


- T H E     G E A R -

If you didn't enter for the 10km run then you missed out on all these goodies
(for our low 15 Euro basic-package group rate)...

Envelope printed with your details and containing...



Electronic timing chip (L: front-view & R: reverse view) greatly enlarged

The timing chip is tied to the runner's trainer with the shoe lace and is electronically detected at the start
of the race, at the 5km point and at the finish of the race. Both the 5km and 10km times are recorded & given
on the official web site


Example runner's custom-printed BIB (complete with 4 safety pins)


Example custeom printed identification sticker for the clothes (sports) bag



An official clothes bag (these bags are stored and returned by volunteers)


Plus bottles of water on the run &






- PLUS -

Official photos of the runner finishing the race from the website

About one week after the race takes place - by entering your BIB number




  1. From the home page, type Athens 2009 in the Event Search Box (on the left of the page) & click “Search”
  2. Click the link:   2009 Sports/Athens 5 and 10km
  3. Enter your BIB number in the search box on the right & click “Search”
  4. Small versions of your photos will now appear.
  5. Double-click the first (or next) photo & new page will appear showing the photo on the left-hand side.
  6. Click the link in the box near the top that says “Download High Resolution Photo”
  7. Right-click your mouse on the enlarged photo that will appear on a new page and select “Save image as”
  8. From the pop-up window select a folder to save the photos in and click “Save”
  9. Click the “Go back” button of your web browser TWICE and you are back on the page with your small photos.
  10. Repeat from “5.” until all your photos are saved in your folder.  It’s EASY

    NOTE: For those hashers who participated in the 2007 & 2008 10k race, your photos are still there on this site. (Search for Athens 2007 & Athens 2008).


- OUR RUNNER'S BIB NUMBERS & Run Results 2009 -

BIB Number              NAME                                   


BIB number: 11157    Hash Name: Mountain Goat
(Unable to attend)

BIB number: 11158    First name: Michalis F.   (00:55:56)

BIB number: 11159    First name: C-J   (1:06:46)

BIB number: 11160    Hash Name: Mad Dog   (1:07:36)

BIB number: 11161    Hashname: The Bookmaker (BIB used by visitor Niek J.)   (00:47:11) <<<< FASTEST

BIB number: 11162   Hashname: Garibaldi   (00:55:35)

BIB number: 11163    Hashname: Black Mamba   (1:02:20)


BIB number: 17427    Hash Name: Fiery Tw*t

BIB number: 17428    Hash Name: Born Free    (00:53:59)

BIB number: 17429    Hash Name: Prickly Bush    (1:12:43)

BIB number: 17430    Hash Name: On & On (Unable to attend)

BIB number: 17431    First name: Katie B.   (00:52:58)

BIB number: 17432   Hash Name: Coke Dealer   (1:02:31)






To save a photo to your disk drive:
- Internet Explorer - Netscape Navigator - Opera -

(1) Right-click your mouse on the photo
(2) A menu appears
(3) Click on "Save Picture As"
(or "Save Image")
(4) Pull-down the "Save In" menu (click the down-arrow)
(5) Double-click on a disk drive letter (to choose a drive)
(6) Double click on a directory icon (if applicable)
(7) Type in a File name of your choice for the picture
(8) Click Save

To send the photo by e-mail as an attachment:
- Outlook Express -

(1) Click the "Create Mail" button to start a new e-mail
(2) Click Insert > File Attachment
(3) Pull-down the "Look In" menu (click the down arrow)
(4) Double-click on a disk drive letter (to choose the drive)
(5) Double click on a directory icon (if applicable)
(6) Click on the photo file name to highlight it
(7) Click "Attach" to attach the photo to the e-mail

                                                                        MD Feb. 2006

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